More To Our History

Is part of our ancient history not being told or accepted? A question I have asked and studied for many years. Might this have any implications for our future? Graham Hancock in America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization (2019) and Frank Joseph, Ed, in The Lost History of Ancient America: How Our Continent Was Shaped By Conquerors, Influencers, and Other Visitors from Across the Ocean (2017) prove there were many settlers in the Americas before Columbus. Most of you probably already knew that. The data in these works, however, is that these peoples came from the sea, a feat that has long been ridiculed in many circles. Both authors point out that too many scientists and archeologists have not only denied these facts but have also denigrated the experts whose research provides valid proof. What a shame that our true history is often kept hidden by authorities who feel threatened and/or refuse to entertain new information.

What intrigues me, however, is not just the fact that the Americas were settled by many Pre Columbian groups but that there is continuing evidence of even older civilizations that may have been lost entirely. The Serpent Mound in Ohio which aligns with celestial events of sunrise on summer and winter solstice, and an underground city off the coast of Oregon dating from 18,000 years ago are just two of the numerous examples. Each book provides more discoveries. There were advanced civilizations present in the Americas. 

Amid all of this evidence, I am most interested in information on Atlantis and how that might influence us today. I have often mentioned and read that we need to look at our past in order to understand our future. Could we avoid some mistakes of the past if we understand what really happened? Hancock, referenced above, has written many other books on his journeys to discover the truth and presents convincing arguments about Atlantis. He discusses a deluge, perhaps caused by a comet around 12,800 years ago, that affected North America more than other parts of the world and could have been the cause of the destruction of Atlantis. Even Plato, in the fourth century BCE, discussed Atlantis and the ability of its inhabitants to transport goods by sea.  I believe that Atlantis did exist, that it probably existed in the Atlantic Ocean, and that a catastrophic event caused its demise. 

According to my understanding, and as I discussed in a previous post (“Sirians, Hopis and More,” August 1, 2023), some Atlanteans were able to escape with advanced technology of that civilization. Dolores Cannon, now deceased, was a well-known hypnotherapist who specialized in past life therapy. Her book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth (2011) talks of volunteers now working to repair damage done after Atlantis. They are helping to bring back balance, and “to discover and access hidden knowledge” from Atlantis.

Explorers are finding underground tunnels and underground cities throughout the world. Some of these have living space for thousands of people. We know, for example, that there are tunnels under Teotihuacan, a Mayan ruin in Mexico, which is a complex of pyramids. Frank Joseph’s book, referenced above, recounts that the Mayans talked of a great flood. They claimed that new arrivals after the deluge built subterranean tunnels to use as a depository for written records from their inundated homeland. Unfortunately, most of the records from that time were destroyed by the Spanish. We do know, though, that each of their pyramids aligned with a planet in the solar system. They also recorded complex calendars. Where did they get this advanced knowledge and what other records of their history have been destroyed?

Since 1993 Ancient American magazine published more than 20 volumes of evidence clearly demonstrating visitors from the outside world have been sailing to our continent for tens of thousands of years.

Frank Joseph

In addition to the Mayans, many of the Native American tribes, particularly the Hopis, have ancient myths that talk of the world ending, an underground escape, then reemergence when the disaster was over. There seems to have been an event that decimated populations in North America and perhaps forced many underground. Was this the comet suggested by Hancock and others? Maybe it is time to listen to some of these ancient peoples.

As I was working on this article, I received a notification from the Stargate Experience (, a wonderful group that promotes guided meditations online and in various places throughout the world. Their most recent journey was to Egypt to present “From Atlantis to Egypt:” An hour-long presentation by Neil Gaur, an historian and researcher.  He has done in-depth exploration of ancient civilizations and confirmed the idea of the Atlanteans retreating to Egypt, Great Britain, and the Americas. Ah, the serendipity, as the universe continues to provide exactly what I need when I need it. The new ideas not only reinforce my beliefs and what I had been told but also indicate that all of this information is becoming more widely known.

“There is so much more to us than we can ever imagine. Therein lies the illusion. We think we know ourselves, but do we?”

Delores Cannon

Research from the books mentioned here, along with other valid studies from reputable scientists and explorers, provide fascinating additions to our history. I hope you are beginning to see new possibilities.  

Enjoy the ride if you are.

If not, be ready for anything that might shake your world but calm your heart.

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