Being a Dragon, Being in Balance

Balance is about finding our center, where our power is located, and accepting who we are. For me, that is being a dragon during this human incarnation. For some, that might be an Andromedan, an Acturian, a Pleiadian or a channeler of one of those extraterrestrials. For others, that might be a spiritual seeker or a stronger version of oneself. Now is the time to connect with that identity, whatever it is. A balance is required of us, discovering our true self, no matter how different that self may or may not be from our current reality.

When I was younger, I disliked the concept of balance, believing moderation was boring as I craved more excitement. The problem, as I learned, is that an adrenal rush brings highs and lows, rarely helping us achieve. But, as I also learned, there is another aspect to balance: Polarity, which is one of the seven universal principles that I have studied and written about for over 30 years. (See my book Do It Yourself Guide to Spirituality: Seven Simple Steps

Polarity exists in our lives, the world and the universe. Everything has an opposite, and opposites an aspect of the same thing. They are not separate or distinct. Think of hot and cold. There is no one place where hot becomes cold; they are just varying gradations of two states blending into one another. The same is true of light and dark, or good and evil. Finding the center is avoiding the extremes. As the Dragons have continually informed me, we are here to help balance the light and dark. One cannot exist without the other. Moderation, or living from our center, creates a less extreme life, a less extreme world and a less extreme universe. (For additional explanation, see my previous post “Transcending the Divide: A Spiritual Approach to Our Social Unrest, Part III Find Balance, Nov 7, 2022).

I recently came across The Way of Nagomi: The Japanese Philosophy of Finding Balance and Peace in Everything You Do by Ken Mogi (2022). Paying attention to what happens around us is always important, such as finding the right book at the right time. Even though Mogi is not talking about higher dimensional beings, I was drawn to his work. His three main ideas are surprisingly related to this discussion: self restraint, anonymity and harmony in relationships.

  • Self restraint is about balance in all that we do, even in our thinking. 
  • Anonymity means we do not need to be the loudest, most vocal, or most visible person in the room. Perhaps not everyone needs to know we are a dragon or some other being. 
  • Harmony in relationships is balancing our beliefs with those of others and allowing them the freedom of their thoughts.  

Mogi’s description of the aspects of nagomi provides a sense of peace and calm. Any imbalance within is reflected in the world around us. When we are centered, where our power resides, we assist the world. If we accept the knowledge of who we really are, then the self-restraint, anonymity and harmony that Mogi discusses make sense.

Even astrology relates to balance. Although I have taken a few courses with to learn more about the influence of the planets and stars around us, I am certainly not an astrologer. But I have been a believer since I was best friends with a wonderful astrologer/psychic for many years before her death. Certain aspects influence us all on some similar levels. An important one has been affecting us since late July 2023, ending September 3, 2023: Venus retrograde asks “Who am I? What do I want?” These are Important questions and they challenge us to accept who we are, to find our core. It is not a coincidence that I am writing this article at this time. This transformation has been occurring. Have you felt it? 

Another aspect to this time of transformation is being aware that perhaps not only are we someone different than we thought, but that our history might not be quite the usual, traditional story. If we are aliens of some origin other than Earth, we might begin to accept that these beings have been around for a long time. There is much going on that will open our eyes to new possibilities. Does any of that resonate with you? Have you ever suspected there was more to yourself, or to the stories that have been told? 

I always felt as if I never fit in and have finally realized, in my later years, that I never did. Guess I was always aware of being something or someone else, even without any idea what that was. Who talked about such a thing years ago? Very few spiritual leaders or gurus that I encountered ever mentioned being a dragon or higher being. Years ago, such information was probably kept mostly hidden. My own recognition came about slowly and without any external support until recently when I found thousands of other dragons and higher beings online. A surprise and relief.

Extraterrestrials, or advanced beings, are around us. Some are friends and neighbors who agreed to become human in this lifetime to assist. Others are helping from planets, stars and other universes. Diana Cooper in her new book The Golden Future: What to Expect and How to Reach the Fifth Dimension (2023) claims “…billions of non-physical beings of all sizes and shapes inhabit the universes.” What if she is right?

These are changing times. Try not to dismiss new ideas too readily.

Find support in your true identity to assist in assimilating the possibilities.

Find tranquility within despite any external turmoil or change.

Find yourself, Find balance.

One response to “Being a Dragon, Being in Balance”

  1. thought provoking, challenging me to look at different concepts of the realities of the world in which we live! Thank you, Cheryl!


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